Would you like to decrease your risk of pain and injury from computer-intensive work?

In this 2-minute assessment, you will discover the no-cost health and wellbeing skills that significantly increase your comfort and decrease the risk of and expensive career-limiting injury.

BONUS - when you complete the survey, download your copy of the Work From Home Checklist, a free and practical guide specifically designed for those working remotely.  This guide will help you and your team take action to personalise and implement ergo and wellness recommendations, no matter where you work.
These are the new Personal Protective Behaviours (PPBs) needed for our complex twenty-first-century, mobile, computer-intensive and increasingly sedentary world of work.


Pain Points

Computer work looks easy, but is physically demanding and tiring. | Research shows over 80% of people working in office, contact centres and similar report ached, pain and musculoskeletal discomfort, and of those, 11% suffer from chronic pain every day.


Ergonomics aim to ensure we can work in a relaxed neutral work posture | Knowing how to personalise your ergonomic adjustments to match your stature, will significantly increase your comfort at work and help to stop aches from becoming career-limiting injuries.

Positive Work Behaviours

Building New Personal Protective Behaviours (PPBs) |  As we embrace an increasingly complex array of work choices, including working remotely (WFH), sit-stand workstations, and using mobile devices, and the health risks of sedentary work, it’s now essential to understand how to implement PPBs.

Physical Conditioning

Move More | Staying active and maintaining good posture and muscle tone, is essential to remaining healthy and injury-free for computer-intensive work.

It’s a Wrap – Meeting Your Needs

The last 3 questions seek to understand your needs | Just a few tips gained in this survey will make a difference. And if you want to know more, our free practical guide, Working From Home Checklist is available to download with more helpful hints and tips.

A significant increase in back and neck pain among staff working from home!

How can a traditional ergonomic checklist cover all the health and wellbeing risks for staff working remotely?
Discover straight-forward, no-cost tactics providing immediate benefits!

Take The Survey Now

An Offer Just For You

Your Time is Valuable | So is Your Health

Take this 2-minute survey to discover the gaps in your workstation setup or work behaviours that are contributing to aches, pain and expensive medical bills.

AND GET YOUR REPORT | Based on your personal survey results, you will receive a list of easy no-cost actions to improve your comfort and introduce you to the new range of self-care skills essentail for computer work.

TO FURTHER SUPPORT YOU | You’ll have immediate access to our Working From Home Checklist, a free and practical guide on ways to decrease the chance of a work-related injury while improving comfort while you work.

This checklist, designed to build your Personal Protective Behaviours (PPBs) to tackle the increasing range of issues already causing significant pain and a financial drain for medical costs, is also for managers seeking ways to support the health and wellbeing of staff working in the office or remotely.

Backed by PhD research and informed by industry needs,this easy-to-use checklist starts building your new ergo and self-care competencies. As a Manager seeking ways to support the health and wellbeing of staff working remotely, this Working From Home free checklist provides a range of no-cost tactics essential for decreasing computer-related pain and injuries.

In the Moving Home Checklist, full of information and illustrations, you will discover
1. Safety In The Work Environment
2. Ways To Promote Health And Wellbeing
3. Ways You Can Care For Yourself
4. Common Poor Work Postures To Check And Correct
5. How To Use The Posture Observation Checklist
6. Reporting
7. Workstation Ergonomics

What we do | Beyond Ergo
helps businesses improve productivity and labour costs by decreasing work-related pain and risk of injury claims. We do this by training the Personal Protective Behaviours (PPBs) individuals need for modern computer-intensive work and play.

These are the new multidiscipline programs that go Beyond Ergonomics to build Self-Care Competencies for today's mobile, computer-intensive and increasingly sedentary workforce.

Do you have questions?
| Let me know

Email |  [email protected]

Subject | Computer-Related Pain Survey Questions



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